Our website development lifecycle is designed to ensure that the final website matches the requirements identified in the specification agreed with the client.

Step by Step Website Development

1. Information Gathering

  • Set goals for the website
  • Define website's target audience

2. Planning

  • Create a sitemap showing overall page hierarchy and navigation
  • Create a wireframe/mock-up
  • Select appropriate technology: CMS (e.g. WordPress), coding languages and/or framework

3. Design

  • Create an agreed number of draft page layouts using HTML & CSS to illustrate the design
  • Get client's feedback on the layouts
  • Change the layouts as required until agreement reached

4. Coding

  • Build website pages using either client content or stock images &  placeholder text
  • Build special features and interactivity

5. Content Writing & Import

  • Create new content
  • Migrate existing content via import or manual entry
  • SEO for the website

6. Testing, Review and Launch

  • Quality Assure the created website according to our QA procedures
  • Upload the website to server
  • Final QA testing and launch

7. Maintenance and Regular Updating

  • Ensure website is available
  • Implement updates, including themes and plugins, in a timely manner
  • Fix bugs