RIBOS Update 2.9.009

2.9.009 – database 48 2.0.009a – Forecasting 2.0.009b – Forecasting – all sectors 2.0.009c – Forecasting – profile export 2.0.009d – New site menu 2.0.009e – Fixed missing forecast forms in SC and CC 2.0.009f – Fixed double admin forecast forms in CC 2.0.009g – Redesigned data form status in Data Forms search 2.0.009h –…

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RIBOS Update 2.9.007


2.9.007a – New feature: Queries in Reports 2.9.007b – Reworked Date Range so Title is less confusing 2.9.007c – ‘With Revenue’ option in Profile Lists 2.9.007d – Added Month Mode to Profile Lists 2.9.007e – Moved Revenue flag to RANGE 2.9.007f – Renamed Mailing Lists to Profile Lists (Filters) 2.9.007g – Added Covid exclusion to…

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RIBOS Update 2.9.006


2.9.006a : Addition of COVID-19 option to data forms 2.6.006b : Fixed calculation of revenue results in Date Range 2.9.006c – Fixes for STR and Revenue in Date Range #929 2.9.006d – Store code errors in ERRORLOG 2.9.006e – Return to reports when switching survey in Range 2.9.006f – Fix phrases with survey units 2.9.006g…

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RIBOS Update 2.9.004


2.9.004a – Add analysis for Northern Ireland 2.9.004b – Select from PROFILELIST using POSTCODE 2.9.004c – Fixes to Charts and dashboard 2.9.004d – Fixes to NI results

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RIBOS Update 2.9.003


[Issue #41] Updated Charts in Admin CP using charts.js and including annual category charts [Issue #40] Allow duplicate profiles using profile rank for imported STR data [Issue #39] Incoming mail moved to alternative mail server with spam filtering. [Issue #38] Export of personal results including ID, profile number and the main personal results. Added as…

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RIBOS Update 2.9.002


[Issue #35]  Move left-hand dialog boxes to popups to make full use of the page width. Affects Contacts, Profiles, Data Forms and Users in Admin CP

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RIBOS Update 2.9.001


Updated project to .Net 4.0, VS2017, Participant passwords expire immediately on use, Missing touring analysis by Type in Months to Date, ASPEmail doesn’t work with SendGrid API, Analysis of Regular Returners, Language phrase maintenance for categories, Whole Park analysis, Allow Duplicate Email Addresses, Login as user

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